Being in the historical line of the Christian Church, we highly value the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed and the Chalcedonian Creed, the Westminster Confession and the Baptist Confession of 1689. The following points are what we believe:
The inerrancy and infallibility of the Holy Scriptures as they were originally written;
their verbal inspiration by God; their authority and entire sufficiency, for they
not only contain the Word of God, but they themselves are the Word of God; the New
Testament being trustworthy in the witness it bears to the character of the Old Testament
and its authors; and the necessity of the instruction of the Holy Spirit, in the
Church, to understand the whole according to the truth. The Holy Scriptures are our
unique rule of faith and conduct. They comprise sixty-
The Trinitarian nature of the deity as revealed in the Scriptures -
The divine essence, eternal and absolute, of the Lord Jesus Christ; his conception by the Holy Spirit; his birth of the virgin Mary; his entire humanity yet without sin; the authority of his teaching and the infallibility of all his statements; his life of voluntary humiliation as Man of Sorrows, which led to his atoning and substitutionary death, by which he poured out his precious blood as a sacrifice for sin, thus redeeming all those that were given him by his Father before the creation of the world; his corporal resurrection the third day; his corporal ascension to heaven as the only and eternal Mediator between God and man; his intercession for his people as High Priest sitting at the right hand of the Father, and his personal return in power and glory.
The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit who inspired holy men to write the Bible. It is by his action alone that the soul comes to regeneration leading to repentance and saving faith; by him the saints are sanctified by means of the truth. We believe that his action is indispensable in the exercise of ministries as well as in the service and the daily life of every believer.
God creator of all things by his sole word; his creation maintained good and firm in spite of the corruption of the fall; man made in the image of God, which makes his person sacred and his being without end.
The total and universal depravity of man before God as a result of the fall; his deserving of eternal punishment; his inability to will the slightest spiritual good leading to salvation and the necessity, in consequence, of new birth.
The law of God, the reflection of his character, contained in the whole Bible, as the eternal and absolute rule of good and evil for every man, for the Church and for society. Therefore all thoughts, all deeds and all institutions of man should be ruled by the word of God.
The eternal justification of the sinner; by grace alone; through faith; through the propitiatory merits of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ whose imputed righteousness is the unique foundation for the sinner's acceptance before God.
The sanctified life of those who profess to be believers being the visible proof of their conversion to God. The duty of every believer and every church of Christ is to propagate the gospel to the ends of the earth. This must be achieved by means of believers ' individual and corporate witness, using to this end all methods compatible with the Word of God. The believer's obedience to the law of God must appear in all areas of his life.
A sacrament is a holy ordinance instituted by Christ, by which, through outward signs, Christ and the benefits of the new covenant are represented to believers, who, at the same time, commit themselves to follow the Lord. We believe there are only two sacraments, that is, baptism in the name of the Trinity and the Lord's supper. The Lord's supper is in no way a sacrifice for sin and involves no transformation of the substance of the bread and of the wine. The Lord's supper is the communion of believers, by the Spirit and by faith, in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Golgotha.
The resurrection of the body; the judgement of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, accompanied by eternal blessing for the redeemed and eternal punishment for the wicked; the real existence of Satan; the new earth and new heaven with the restoration of the whole creation in Jesus Christ unto the perfect fullness of God's kingdom.
The spiritual unity of all those who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and their duty to maintain in themselves and in the Church a standard of doctrine and life consistent with the teaching of the holy word of God.